In the wake of the global pandemic, the percentage of people who have decided to try their hand at e-learning has risen sharply.
Ordinary citizens have changed their learning methodology and have necessarily had to give up their hand in favor of the use of technology in order to continue with their studies. Likewise, companies that did not already rely on digitalization for the training of their employees have opted to update and modernize their educational offerings in order to continue competing in the labor market.
As we can see, on-line training is the order of the day and not advocating its incorporation can mean that we become obsolete, preventing personal and professional advancement .
However, it is not enough to offer a simple e-learning course, if we want to create a successful training that promotes change and learning in our students or employees we must take into account a number of aspects to consider when planning and creating our training offer.
What are the main aspects to consider when creating a successful course?
The first thing to keep in mind when planning our online course is to ask ourselves what is the subject we want to address, what are our objectives and what do we want to achieve with our training.
Through our general objective and our specific objectives we must begin to structure our course based on the skills and competencies that the students will acquire at the end of the course.
It is important that the objectives are written in a clear and not confusing way, they must be described in the infinitive and be evaluable.
All this will be reflected in the planning of the course, which must agree with the final goal we want to reach. A good organization can make a very significant distinction between student dropout and success.
Once we are clear about the previous point, it is time to search and select the information for our content. This point can be especially overwhelming if we take into account that nowadays we have thousands of sources to choose from.
Through the technique of content curationwe will select those contents that are useful, filtering among all the information that can reach us from different channels, and compiling only that which is really of interest to us, in order to be able to disseminate it later on.
The key point of this process is that the information selected must be capable of guaranteeing the achievement of our objectives, as well as allowing the evaluation of the results obtained.
In the methodology section, we must respond to "how" our students will achieve the objectives set out in the first point.
To this end, we must ask ourselves a series of questions such as: what is our audience like, what are their needs, how are we going to guide them during this teaching-learning process, how are we going to evaluate their knowledge, what personal/material resources do we have at our disposal?
The approach we take at this point will be one that offers students an optimal and unique learning experience in which they will be able to develop their skills.
Competency-based education, gamification, and conditional or adaptive learning are some examples of methodologies that we can apply.
One of the main problems we encounter when creating an online course is that our audience is often unfamiliar with the environment, and this can cause a stressful situation. That is why when developing our educational platform we must take into account that it must be simple, intuitive and attractive.
Educational platforms such as Moodle allow us to customize the environment to respond to the diversity of students, in addition to offering a relaxed and individualized environment in which to promote the learning experience.
As far as content is concerned, there are many resources that we can use to shape our material.
We must take into account that the presentation of content and interactivity are elements that improve the motivation of the students. improve student motivation, engagement and participation.and their engagement and participation. Creating this type of resources may require a certain level of skill and mastery of the tool.
Finally, good instructional design during content creation will be key to successful learning.
It is no surprise today to hear about the high levels of attrition in online courses, either due to lack of commitment or a sense of abandonment.
It is important to know that, although it is not a face-to-face training, in e-learning courses there are many mechanisms to break the impersonal gap that apparently exists in distance learning.
It is the tutors who must respond to this challenge and respond to the students' needs by accompanying and guiding them along this arduous path. They are the ones who must be able to empower the student so that he/she is able to manage his/her own learning experience.
Resolving doubts, offering and providing information, making suggestions and giving advice, encouraging participation and interaction, evaluating the quality of the tasks performed and giving feedback are some of the tasks of the teacher.
Online training is a challenge that we must approach with particular enthusiasm. However, e-learning requires overexertion so we must be cautious if we want to ensure quality learning. We must be proactive and keep in mind that there are many variables that affect the learning outcome. The responsibility for learning success is in our hands.
If after reading this post you still have doubts or you are curious about e-learning, please do not hesitate to contact us, we will bewe will be happy to guide you.