We are talking about a program aimed at small businesses, micro-enterprises and self-employed workers of any labor sector located in our country, born driven by the Government of Spain after the pandemic of COVID-19 and aims, among many things, to counteract the negative economic effects after the pandemic and promote economic growth, boosting digitization and providing companies with a plus in an increasingly competitive world.
It can be used for digital solutions such as Internet presence and website, e-commerce, social media management, customer and/or supplier management, business intelligence and analytics, virtual office services and tools, process management, electronic invoicing, secure communications and cybersecurity.
To benefit from this program your company must comply with a series of requirements such as:
Being a small business, microenterprise or self-employed.
-Compliance with the financial and effective limits that define the categories of companies.
-To be registered and have the minimum seniority established by the call for applications.
-Not being considered as a company in crisis.
-To be up to date with tax and Social Security obligations.
-Not be subject to an outstanding recovery order from the European Commission that has declared an aid illegal and incompatible with the common market.
-Not to incur in any of the prohibitions foreseen in Article 13.2 of Law 38/2003, of November 17, 2003, General Law on Subsidies.
-Not to exceed the de minimis (small amount) aid limit.
From there, if you want to access this program to benefit from its many advantages you must have Samoo. Our entity is the specialized e-learning area of Pentec, a reference company in the ICT sector founded in 1996. In 2006 was born Samoo where we deal with all the solutions, products and services related to ICT in learning. Our team is formed by a group of professionals in e-learning, experts in the different areas of work in this field: consulting, development, content creation and training, with more than ten years of experience. Specialists in the implementation of large training projects, both at corporate level and in schools and universities.
For this reason, from Samoo we provide you with the ideal digital services for your company to be much more competitive and we carry out the steps to apply for grants. In addition, we can help you in:
If you want to know more, do not hesitate to contact us, we are waiting for you!