Samoo's extensive experience in the elearning sector allows us to offer easy, practical and attractive solutions when it comes to helping an organization, institution or company in the virtualization of its contents.

We work to adapt and transform your knowledge and content to the e-learning environment, thus highlighting the importance of instructional design.

The content virtualization process has different phases, from initial meetings to know the real needs of the company in terms of training and the changes and results expected to be obtained. 

In this article we will focus on the instructional design phase, a key phase for the successful development of any quality training project.

We will give importance to the most characteristic model, ADDIE.

ADDIE, is an acronym for:

  • A: Analysis.
  • D: Design.
  • D: Development
  • I: Implementation.
  • E: Evaluation.

Each of these phases involves a procedure with a series of strategies and questions to be answered.

In the following, we analyze the respective phases:

Analysis Phase

In this phase the client sends us the content in the format he/she considers appropriate, Word, PowerPoint..., etc, from Samoo the team of experts analyzes the information. Therefore, taking into account the raw content, the objectives of the future online training action and the target group, a pedagogical design of the most appropriate learning methodology is made and the necessary authoring tool for the development of the content is determined.

This methodology can range from theoretical-practical courses, based on concepts and exercises with feedback, to graphic adventures in which the user interacts in first person with the contents, or proactive tutorials, cooperative work methodology (blog, wikis...) or based on video tutorials..., etc...

Design Phase

Once the initial content is analyzed and the methodological design is known, we move on to the instructional design phase , where we begin to structure the content and carry out the instructional scripting, that is, the transformation and adaptation of the raw content to the elearning content.

In this phase, the base content is synthesized (schematized) and transformed, usually by transferring it to a pre-established template that contains all the parameters determined with the client for the development of the didactic (organized, practical) and learning-oriented content.

The instructional design is reviewed for improvements before beginning the content layout phase.

Development Phase

Then we would enter the development phase, focused on the layout of all the content using the selected authoring tool . We produce the elearning content taking into account the didactic, audiovisual and interactive resources as defined in the instructional design.

Implementation Phase

During the implementation phase, we focus on implementation and making sure that the course works properly . The production is reviewed to introduce the necessary modifications to improve the user experience.

In this phase it will be important the review of the content by the client to verify that all the established elements are fulfilled, therefore, the feedback is constant with the objective that the course or virtualization of the content adjusts to the previously determined process.

Creation of Scorms package of the elearning course to implement it in an LMS and to be able to register the follow-up.

Evaluation Phase

From the last phase, it would be time to review and evaluate each part of the process (analysis, design, development, implementation) to ensure that it meets what is required.

As you can see in our content factory, we design attractive, accessible and interactive materials, participating in the whole process, from the instructional design to the implementation of the content on the platform.  

We can adapt any type of content to your needs. We help you to develop gamified and motivating content for your students. We offer content with different levels of interactivity to meet all types of projects and budgets. The importance of instructional design is key.

And now, do you dare to virtualize?

We are waiting for you!

Pentec E-Learning Area

Samoo was born in 2006 from our parent company Pentec. Since then, we have merged all our know-how in technology and education to meet the challenges in education and offer the best E-learning and Blended solutions.