Motivation is essential for acquiring meaningful learning because it is related to the willingness to perform activities and the interest in achieving results.
Tutors of online courses should employ strategies to increase participation, effort, creativity and, therefore, motivation of students.
Some techniques you can use to increase student motivation include the following:
- Innovation and creativity. Take advantage of the many tools available in ICT. There are thousands of resources that allow you to create more interesting and motivating courses, such as the use of infographics, animations, interactive videos, graphics, etc.
- Take care of the design. The design allows communicating a message in a visual way, therefore, the first impression of the course is important, since it will immediately influence the student's perception of it. The layout of the content on the screen, the images, the colors, the typography, among others, will allow the material to have a visual coherence and its impact on motivation and learning to be direct and noticeable.
- Diverse methodologies. Plan different activities that motivate students and make them feel more involved in their learning. You can propose written or video activities, ask questions in the forum, provide links related to the course topic, use the chat to carry out group activities, etc.
- Personalized and proactive tutoring.
As a tutor you must answer questions and/or correct activities as soon as possible, so as not to delay the students' progress in their training.
Avoid predefined messages and focus on personalization. Follow up with students and contact them according to their needs, you will be much more meaningful if you use a more attentive and approachable attitude.
- Useful and effective feedback. Sometimes it can be frustrating for students not to know what mistakes they have made and why. For this not to happen, it is essential to give constructive feedback to the contributions that students can make, so that they can learn from both the successes and failures they have made and can insist and reinforce the part of the syllabus that has not been so clear.
- Rewards. Stimuli and rewards can be used to help learners maintain their willingness to learn, reinforce effort and improve their motivation, which promote interest, credit the learner's progress and give them greater control over their learning.
Following these techniques in your online training courses will help you to increase the motivation of your students and encourage them to meet the objectives set and achieve a better performance in their learning process.
If you need help with this topic, don't hesitate, at Samoo we make it easy for you. Contact our team of experts at info@samoo.es and they will help you get the most out of your e-learning courses.